SUCCESS BREAKFAST: Flee! Financial Freedom Is Important
I wonder why many people complain of their current circumstance without planning their way out of it. So amazing to me that they remain in that position for many years, still on the same spot and yet not comfortable with their status quo ( i call them babies).
Financial freedom simply means "when your passive income is greater than your living expenses" meaning there is a leverage, you are doing less while achieving more.
One of the greatest thing that has happened to me in life is that I had totally fought and won my way out of financial boredom. I had started living in this over fifteen years and I'm still alive, doing well and things are getting better and better as the days go by. Only if you can take up the challenge, tough times never last forever which you already know.
If I will tell you the truth here, the first place to fight the good fight of your financial freedom is from your FAMILY. I can assure you that your issue is half-solved with this. If it requires packing out and keep thirsting for the moment, pls do.
If it requires you block all income entries from them and move up on your own,my advice is you do.
"You gain respect by the value you are adding and not by taking"
I will like you to know that you might not see farther in life as long as long as they keep financing you and that is why i often advice people not to settle down for a full time job because they will tie down your destiny that your time will be so limited for you to see many opportunities passing through your way. You have your life to live because "the cross is personal".Walk your way into this and you will notice a gradual change as you look back to where you started from that you are doing less and earning more already.The earlier you embrace this,the earlier it becomes better for you.
Still on Financial Freedom series when I will be writing on "DELAYING GRATIFICATION!!!
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