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Enter Your “JAMB Reg Number” in the space provided;
Click on “Check Admission Status” to know your admission status
Note: If your name appears on the list of 2015/2016 admitted students, you are advised to print your admission letter. (If it has not reflected, check it regularly as it may be validated any time).
100-Level Course Outline for Rain Semester is now available. DOWNLOAD HERE Courtesy of Leo, Logician, Lexy, Lamxy, Mega, Skales, Eapthy and other PASSA Departmental Reps. Images:,
The upcoming post utme comprises of five compulsory subjects which include Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Physics and Biology. These should be the same subjects the candidate must have written in the just concluded Jamb/Utme. Lautech being a school of technology and science requires only science subject for the entrance examination. We'll keep you posted for further necessary information before the examination date. For any further information, do leave a comment or check the 'about me' tab for our contacts and feel free to ask your questions. Good Luck
"The real motive of exams is not just to test your knowledge, but a way to remind you how brilliant and intelligent you really are." As Lautech commences its Post-UTME between today Monday 17 and Thursday 20 August, 2015, we'll like to spur your mind and motivate you as you take your first step into becoming a LADOKITE. We are really happy that you have chosen to be a part of Lautech Ecosystem, and we believe that you will be an immense contribution to the growth of our great Institution. As the University's Alumni can testify, 'Lautech is the place you will remember forever and long to return back to years after you leave'. You most probably have heard several negative stories about Lautech, well I am not disputing them but like renowned author, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie says, "That is a single story". Lautech has made -and is still making- several impact in the Technological advancement of Nigeria. Just to mention a few, Lautech repre...
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