3 weeks to exams! Here are 8 simple steps to help you save your G.P this semester

Preparing for your exams in less than three weeks is no easy task, especially when you’ve been out of school for over seven months.

We can totally relate if you feel like your brain is completely empty right now, and you’re panicking over how you’ll cover your syllabus in less than three weeks.

No need to catch an exam fever. We took our time to find out how you can make the most out of the revision period to prepare for the exams.

After a little research to find out how one can best maximize this short revision period, the most effective technique we could find is to create an effective study timetable.

Here's how:

  1. List out all the courses you offered during the semester
  2. On a fresh page, select one course and list out all the topics you were taught in that course.
  3. Repeat step 2 for all the courses listed in step one
  4. Now, on a separate paper, draw out a timetable for Monday to Sunday then add time blocks that are convenient for you. Remember to leave intervals for breaks.
  5. Fill the boxes with your courses. Let the complex or broader courses be more frequent.
  6. On the day you have to read a particular course, check your list of topics under that course and pick a number of topics you know you can cover during the allotted time. Once the time is up, you stop and check the next course then read the topics under that course until the time elapses.
  7. When you finish reading a topic, tick it off to mark your progress
  8. Keep on repeating the process for the period of two weeks before the exam. Even if you don’t cover your syllabus, you would have gone a long way.

Other tips:

  1. Before you start reading a topic, skim through and write down every question that comes to your mind. Read the topic comprehensively then try to answer those questions you had at the beginning.
  3. Join a study group, but make sure you have read to your satisfaction first before you join.

Note that these techniques may not work for everybody, so it’s advisable to try different methods until you find the one that works for you. And if you have one already, better stick to that.

Hope this was helpful 😊.

For more tips, check out these links:





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