BUSTED! : Neither Young Skales nor Dammy Krane will be coming to Lautech For The 'Soul Mate Talent Show' Oops!

So, it has just been confirmed that the news and fliers circulating in Lautech about a talent show that will feature popular musician like Dammy Krane and Young Skales is a big RUMOUR! This was confirmed in a tweet send by @youngskales to @Slymbz(probably a ladokite) which said "Das a big lie bro" (see pics below). He also stated that he wasn’t booked for any event at Lautech and that he is currently in Atlanta.

Although Dammy Krane hasn’t made any comment yet, it is certain that he too wasn’t booked and that this is all a scam for soul mate to sell their hair products.

LOL! I knew this was all too good to be true. Well, if you were looking forward to meeting Dammy Krane and Young Skales, sorry to burst your bubble and better luck next time..*wink*
More photos..


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