Lautech Pre-degree Result Is Out!!!

The result of pds examination which was concluded on Monday, 21 July 2014 in Lautech has been released today. The result contain the test scores, exam scores and then the aggregate. As the pds students know, the pass mark for admission is 250, but there is still hope for students that didn't make up to the cut off mark. If your pds aggregate is not up to 250 but you had up to 180 in your Utme, you can still hurry and register for the upcoming post-utme. Remember post Utme registration ends on Friday 25th of July, 2014 so make hay while the sun shines.
You can check your result here.

The 'now ex-pdites' should also remember that the ict programme will be starting on the 11th of August, 2014 and it is compulsory.
 We say a big congratulations to students who score at least 250 and above!
More information on the admission process will be communicated soon.


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