Lautech Campus Choir Calls For Your Membership! Have You Got What It Takes?
LAUTECH Campus Choir seem to be rising up to expectation, obviouslly!!
Well, they can now be reached on the lautech website. And guess what?! Interested persons can register into membership online. The link is the website is totally FAB!)
If you've gat d voice and charisma, and you're ready to flaunt it for God, kindly read the terms and follow the steps below
1. Membership open to students and staff Membership is inter religious and is open to all interested students and staff of the University who are please encouraged to collect hard copies of membership form in Room 305 of the Senate Building.
2. Auditioning
An Auditioning for selection of interested candidates will be done.
3. Competition for music composers
A competition is now open from January 9, 2014 to March 14, 2014, for all students and all academic and non-teaching staff members (Senate and Congregation members inclusive) who can, to submit their self- composed texts or poems, and/or music for possible adoption as the new LAUTECH Anthem.
The composition is to depict the vision and mission of LAUTECH among other vital considerations.
4. For any further enquiries, please meet the Coordinator Mr. Akin Odesola in person or send text messages (only) to +2347035931875; or e-mail to
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