#SundayInspiration: 5 Practical Ways to Stop Being Average Now!

No one wants to be average but by definition most people fall into that category. Break out of the mold and do work that separates you from the rest of the pack through these five strategies.

1. Retrain Your Brain

As long as you as an individual… can convince yourself that in order to move forward as best you can you have to be optimistic, you can be described as ‘one of the faithful,’ one of those people who can say, ‘Well, look, something’s going to happen! Let’s just keep trying. Let’s not give up. — Tom Hanks

The power of belief is staggering. That can be both good and bad. If you believe you’re average you will inevitably remain average. However, if you believe you can be great, doors will start to open. Put some effort into convincing yourself that you’re not just another average person. Convince yourself that being average is a limit you impose on yourself, and keep reminding yourself that you are limitless. The next thing you should do to be more than average is…

2. Attract What You Want

What you seek is seeking you. ― Rumi

The best case scenario is for what you’re after to come to you. Success is extremely attractive, so one of the best ways to attract what you want is by demonstrating your success. Prove to anyone who meets you that you fall in the “above average” category. If you want someone to consider you for your dream job, make it a point to show them why you’re that person’s dream employee. The smartest, simplest way to do that is to always put in your best effort. So you should…

3. Really Do The Work

Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction. — Anne Frank

Being average can often equate to being, well, lazy. If you know you can accomplish more but choose not to exert real effort and rise above your peers, the shoe most definitely fits. You may not get fired from your job, but you sure aren’t getting that big promotion. If you’re only making a minimal effort, you’ll only find minimal success. To get further in life you need to really put in the work. If you decide things are “good enough” you will quickly find yourself becoming stagnant. If you keep telling yourself that you can do better, you will become better. But there are other people trying to become more than average, too, so you have to work…

4. Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else. — Albert Einstein

Be better than your peers by being engaged in what you’re doing. Eliminate all distractions by finding a calm environment. Carve out a place for yourself that is free from the regular demands of your daily life so you can just do the work. The best thing you can do is find somewhere quiet, but even if you are working in a chaotic chaotic you can tune everything out with a pair of headphones and the right music.

5. Don’t Be Forgotten

My biggest fear in life is to be forgotten. — Evita Peron

Average can also mean invisible. If you only do what is asked of you, there’s no reason for people not to forget you. People will remember you if what you do is memorable, so produce work of such a high quality that there’s no way it or you can be forgotten. One trick is to make sure what you offer is distinct from what anybody else does. Find a way to produce things that are truly unique. You can’t be average if you’re original.

Credit: Lifehack


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