UPDATE: Lectures did not begin today as promised. Here's what we know
During a congress with students last week, LAUTECH Vice-chancellor Prof. A.S. Gbadegesin guaranteed that academic activities will commence in the university today, Monday.
Clearly, that plan did not fall through, and is surprising for many, considering the news that the lecturers got some portion of their salaries over the weekend.
But the burning question now is "What next?"
To answer that question, we spoke to a source with knowledge of the recent developments, here's a verbatim transcript of everything he told us:
- The staff got 3 months salary over the weekend
- However, they are requesting for salaries for last year but are being paid for this year
- Nevertheless, ASUU is calling their congress for tomorrow
- The likely reason why the Congress did not hold today: "They received their alert during the weekend which means they had to give their member 24hours notification that's why the Congress will be holding tomorrow."
- Majority believe since they've received 3 months salaries, their congress should focus on suspending the strike
- At the same time, if they're not certain of how they'll be receiving the remaining salaries, the stability of the salary, no one can say yet what will be the outcome of tomorrow's Congress
- It is until we get the outcome of that Congress before we know what line to go again.
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