UPDATE: Outcome of ASUU Meeting with Governing Council

Today was packed with a number of meetings and congresses. Here's what you need to know.

Students met at 250 LT by 10am where the Dean of Students Affairs gave updates on the latest developments in the negotiations between the school management and members of the striking staff unions.

One of such developments was a meeting which also held today between LAUTECH governing council and the academic staff union.

Students deliberated and prayed (literally) for a favourable outcome of the meeting, while clearly exercising self-restraints in order not to spook the lecturers and management who had already expressed fear of being attacked or 'kidnapped' by angry students.

However, from a new unverified memo currently being circulated supposedly signed by the ASUU LAUTECH Chairman, Biodun Olaniran, things may not have gone as the students hoped.

According to the memo, the following resolutions were reached:
  1. The Union rejected the payment of one month salary through the issuance of cheques.
  2. On the basis of (1) above, the Council requested for a workable proposal from the union, which was made available to them.
  3. The union insisted on the utilisation of ALL available funds to pay outstanding salaries.
  4. The council promised to look at the proposal and get back to the union without further delay.

But before you lose hope, there might just be more to this. Remember, we have not been able to independently verify this memo to be credible.

A students' leader familiar with the recent developments also told us in an interview to be wary of this broadcast.

To get real, credible answers to any questions you might have regarding the resumption of academic activities, you'll have to be patient till tomorrow.

What's happening tomorrow?

We have been told that tomorrow, there will be another congress, but this time, the Vice Chancellor, Bursar, Registrar, Committee of Deans and Provosts and all management staff will be present to address all questions regarding the state of things in our institution. 

The meeting which is scheduled to hold at 750LT by 11am tomorrow, Tuesday is the best opportunity to hear all the real information from the horse's mouth.

However, if you won't be able to attend, you can follow our posts on the blog and social media for real-time update.


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