10 Funniest Photos from LAUTECH Graduating Class ‘Back-to-School’ Day
After much delay due to the prolonged strike that rocked LAUTECH, the graduating class of 2016 finally commenced their ‘Signout’ week today, starting with the traditional ‘Back-to-School’ day.
How interesting this set’s Back-to-School day was, compared to that of the previous set, is open for argument. But to be fair, considering the countless hindrances faced by the finalists, in terms of the delay caused by the strike, coupled with the ‘short’ nature of the current semester, it would be rather unreasonable to set overly high expectations.
However, despite everything, the finalists persevered and went ahead with the Signout event, and they did remarkably well.
To give you a hint of what today’s Back-to-School event was like, here are the top 10 of the funniest costumes we saw around campus:
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